Mermaid Power Wave Energy makes Electric Power Plants for Near Shore locations Prototype Video wave technology systems 100s of Patents

Empowering Lives in Harmony with Nature


Mermaid Power Corp. (“Mermaid Power”, “MPC” or the “Company”) provides the only practical 25 Kilowatt to 100 Kilowatt wave power-based micro hydro system.
We work through our licensing partners to access global marketplaces and we provide end-users unprecedented access to cheap power right on-site through the use of our Mermaid Power IP (the “IP”).
The Company, established in British Columbia in 2010, has developed and created an integrated near-shore wave energy renewable “Clean Tech” power system that is cost effective, reliable and practical to install and use.
The Company’s IP is comprised of a series of patents, proprietary methods, production know how and components that make it a unique, solid and stable solution to generating electric power from near shore waves. The Mermaid Power Plants ("MPP") produce power in waves as small as 20 cm (8 inches) and up to 2 m (6.5 feet) high thus making them suitable for the highly populated, protected water ways such as: Georgia Strait, San Francisco Bay, the Great Lakes, the Mediterranean Sea, the Baltic Sea, etc., etc.
This IP enables household level power (25 kW = 200 Amps at 120 VAC) with small 20 cm waves; in most locations this is for about 70% of the year (6,100 hrs.).
We intend – through licensing our IP to partners in territories worldwide - to provide individuals and small communities located at shore lines with true grid compliant electricity for consumption, or sale via net metering, using our quality 25 kW to 100 kW wave energy micro hydro electrical power plants.
The licensee's own the business on a local basis and thereby qualify for local subsidies and incentives to create and expand a local, renewable clean tech energy solution by manufacturing, selling, deploying & maintaining the Mermaid Power Plants, globalization through localization.
Rather than looking at users as passive, we work with them as the near-shore access points for the co-generation and sale of electric energy.